Monday, June 17, 2019

The Founding of NCRI and Massoud Rajavi’s Work

Massoud Rajavi joined the PMOI/MEK in 1967. Soon he was appointed by the Mohammad Hanifnejad, the leader and founder of MEK Iran, to the MEK’s ideological group. There he helped the study and documentation of the organization’s ideological principles. Later, Rajavi became a member of the PMOI/MEK Iran’s Central Committee.

Massoud Rajavi, since 1981, has remained adamant that the only solution for Iran’s and Middle East’s problems is a is democratic regime change in Iran.

Rajavi holds the belief that the Iranian people and their organized resistance movement have everything they need to bring about democratic change in Iran. It is upon this belief that he has founded the largest independent opposition movement in Iran’s modern history.

On numerous occasions, Western states have tried to tackle the challenges posed by the Iranian regime. They have done this through appeasement and rapprochement and the endorsement of so-called “moderate” and “reformist” groups within the regime. It has often been at the cost of causing damage to the Iranian people and the Iranian opposition.

The American Congress Resolution in Support of The Resistance of The Iranian People

The news portal of MEK Iran informs that the resolution of the majority of the United States House of Representatives, signed by the 221 me...