The NCRI has been supported by several thousand members of parliaments, political leaders and party officials in Europe and the United States, as a viable and democratic alternative against the mullahs’ dictatorship in Iran.
Massoud Rajavi announced the formation of the democratic alternative to the religious, terrorist dictatorship, the Iran Regime National Council of Resistance of Iran, on July 29, 1981.
This coalition of Iranian opposition groups aims to replace the theocratic regime of Khomeini with a free, secular and democratic state. The Massoud Rajavi’s NCRI became a rally point for anyone who endorsed regime change and supported democracy in Iran.
Massoud Rajavi has concentrated his efforts to the Council since the formation of the NCRI.
Thanks to his management of NCRI’s affairs, he has earned the trust of the NCRI’s members.
Massoud Rajavi, was the top wanted opposition figure in Iran. On July 29, 1981, he exited the country with the help of personnel in Iran’s air force who opposed the regime.
Rajavi landed in France. There he took refuge and established the headquarters of the NCRI to further pursue its fight against the Iranian regime.
Massoud Rajavi’s vision for the future of Iran
Since 1981, Massoud Rajavi was determined that a democratic regime change in Iran is the only solution to the problems of Iran and the Middle East.
Massoud Rajavi believed that the Iranian people and their organized resistance movement have everything they need to bring about democratic change in Iran, and it is upon this belief that he has founded the largest independent opposition movement in Iran’s modern history.
Through appeasement and rapprochement and the endorsement of so-called “moderate” and “reformist” groups within the regime, Western states have tried on numerous occasions to tackle the challenges posed by the Iranian regime, and it has often been at the cost of causing damage to the Iranian people and the Iranian opposition.
Massoud Rajavi has remained firm on his stance that the religious dictatorship ruling in Iran does not have the potential for reform. His idea has been analyzed in many academic publications.
Today, it has become evident that Massoud Rajavi’s understanding and vision of Iranian politics had been accurate all along.
Although the Iranian regime has imposed heavy security measures and repression, people across Iran are protesting and chanting slogans against the regime’s entirety. They are calling for the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime, the goal that Massoud Rajavi and the MEK have been fighting for since 1981.
In August of 1993, the NCRI elected the wife of Massoud Rajavi, Maryam Rajavi as the future President of Iran.
Madam Rajavi’s mandate is to oversee the peaceful transfer of power to the Iranian people following the regime’s overthrow. Also, it opposes Iran's Nuclear Weapons Program.